Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Power of Optimism

Statistics and research have proven that optimistic people live longer than pessimistic people. Being an optimist not only affects the person but also the people surrounding the person. Due to its contagious nature it encourages everyone to be healthier, live life with less stress, and build better relationships. Most people do not realize this, but many times life actually works in their favor. It is always a question of how we handle the situation when it manifest itself.

Jim Carrey is one of the most well-known and well paid comedic actors. He is also one of the most optimistic person around, in an interview with Oprah he says "Most people live trapped in the movement of thought".  According to Success magazine, Jim Carrey wrote himself a check with a future amount and date for when he was going to make it big. With his head held high, he actually surpassed the amount and in almost the same amount of time dated on his check. This was made possible through the power of optimism.

 Instead of dwelling on bad experiences and having the belief that the world is out to get us, we should focus more of our energy on the great experiences and how we can learn from the bad, so our future can be better. My challenge to everyone is try to look at the world like its out to help rather than to harm.   

"The pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." -Winston Churchill

"Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant." -Robert Louis Stevenson


  1. People can do anything. However, there are tradeoffs sacrificed in doing so (minute or grandious). Everyone has this innate ability its just how well one can harness it.

  2. Great examples! I can see you surpassing your goal :)
